On June 22nd, 2018 we will be launching our Multi Cash Cup promotion at pharmacies nationwide. Persons who purchase any specially-marked boxes of our multivitamin products:

  1. 100% Complete Multivitamin for Men
  2. 100% Complete Multivitamin for Women
  3. 100% Complete Multivitamin for Adults
  4. 100% Complete Multivitamin for Adults 50+
  5. 100% Complete Multi Max Strength

Will have the chance to win up to $20,000 in cash!!!

Random bottles will contain winning stickers (each with a unique code for authenticity) at the base of the bottles for cash prizes of varying values: $100, $200, $500, $1,000.

Once you get one of these winning bottles, you are entitled to that cash value which must be redeemed at UPML’s office located at 2&3 Road Reserve Business Park, Orange Grove Road, Tacarigua.

We kindly ask that all winners contact us at 235-5UPM before coming to collect to ensure your redemption is quickly facilitated.

The promotion is approved by the NLCB and will run until all prizes are claimed.



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